In the digital information age, people's demand for electronic and communication products has entered the era of personalized demand, which requires the production cycle of products to be shortened, and the degree of personalized satisfaction is higher. Hyrun Electronics communication application solutions use cutting-edge injection molding processes to enable your production to have advantages in design, functionality, miniaturization, and hold an advantageous position in the global market supply field.
Headquarters: No. 999 Zhenghe Road, Chengdong Industrial Park, Xiangshan Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
First branch Factory: No. 995 Zhenghe Road, East Industrial Park, Xiangshan Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
Second branch Factory: Ningbo Yinzhou District Dongwu Town Baozhan line Xiaobai village
Injection Molding Machine DivisionTel:+86-574-65091999 88333266
Rubber machinery DivisionTel:+86-574-59007999
Email:[email protected]